




ASCII text Smiley Description
(angel) angel skye smiley The angel Skype animated emoticon
:@ skype angry smiley The angry Skype animated emoticon
(hug) skype bear hug smiley The bear hug Skype animated emoticon
(beer) msn tongue out smiley The beer Skype animated emoticon
(blush) skype blushing smiley The blushing Skype animated emoticon
(bow) bowing skype smiley The bowing Skype animated emoticon
(punch) boxing skype smiley The boxing Skype animated emoticon
(u) broken heart smiley The broken heart Skype animated emoticon
(^) cake skype smiley The cake Skype anmated emoticon
(call) call me skype smiley The "call me" Skype animated emoticon
(cash) cash skype smiley The cash Skype animated emoticon
(mp) cell phone skype smiley The cell phone Skype animated emoticon
(clap) clapping skype smiley The clapping Skype animated emoticon
(coffee) coffee skype smiley The coffee Skype animated emoticon
8-) cool skype smiley The cool Skype animated emoticon
;( crying skype smiley The crying Skype animated emoticon
(dance) dancin skype smiley The dancing Skype animated emoticon
(devil) devil Skyp smiley The devil Skype animated emoticon
(doh) doh skype smiley The "doh" Skype animated emoticon
(d) drink skype smiley The cocktail Skype animated emoticon
|-( dull skype smiley The "dull" Skype animated emoticon
(emo) secret msn smiley The emo Skype animated emoticon
]:) evil grin Skype smiley The evil grin Skype animated emoticon
(flex) flexing skype smiley The flexing Skype animated emoticon
(F) flower skype smiley The flower Skype animated emoticon
(chuckle) giggling skype smiley The giggling Skype animated emoticon
(handshake) handshake skype smiley The handshake Skype animated emoticon
(happy) happy skype smiley The happy Skype animated emoticon
(h) msn moon emoticon The heart Skype animated emoticon
(wave) hi skype smiley The "hi" Skype animated emoticon
(inlove) in love skype smiley The "in love" Skype animated emoticon
(wasntme) it wasn't me skype smiley The "it wasn't me" Skype animated emoticon
(envy) jealous skype smiley The jealous Skype animated emoticon
:* kissing skype smiley The kissing Skype animated emoticon
:D laughing skype smiley The laughing Skype animated emoticon
(e) mail skype smiley The mail Skype animated emoticon
(makeup) makeup skype smiley The makeup Skype animated emoticon
(mm) mmmm skype smiley The mmm Skype animated emoticon
(~) movie skype smiley The movie Skype animated emoticon
(music) music skype smiley The music Skype animated emoticon
8-| nerdy skype smiley The nerd Skype animated emoticon
(ninja) ninja skype smiley The ninjay Skype animated emoticon
(n) no skype smiley The thumbs down Skype animated emoticon
(nod) nodding skype smiley The nodding Skype animated emoticon
:x no speak skype smiley The no speak Skype anmated emoticon
(party) party skype smiley The party Skype animated emoticon
(pi) pizza skype smiley The pizza Skype animated emoticon
(puke) sick skype smiley The sick Skype animated emoticon
(rain) raining skype smiley The rain cloud Skype animated emoticon
(rofl) rofl skype smiley The ROFL Skype animated emoticon
:( sad skype smiley The sad Skype animated emoticon
(shake) no skype smiley The "no" Skype animated emoticon
(skype) skype logo smiley The Skype logo emoticon
|-) sleepy skype smiley The sleepy Skype animated emoticon
:) smiling skype smiley The smiling Skype animated emoticon
(smirk) smirking skype smiley The smirking Skype animated emoticon
:-| speechless skype smiley The speechless Skype animated emoticon
(*) star skype smiley The star Skype emoticon
(sun) sun skype smiley The sun Skype emoticon
(sweat) sweating skype smiley The sweating Skype animted emoticon
(talk) talking skype smiley The talking Skype animated emoticon
(think) thinking skype smiley The thinking Skype animated emoticon
(o) clock skype smiley The clock Skype animated emoticon
(yawn) tired skype smiley The yawning Skype animated emoticon
:p tongue out skype smiley The tongue out Skype animated emoticon
(wait) wait skype smiley The "wait" Skype animated emoticon
(whew) whew skype smiley The "whew" Skype animated emoticon
;) winking skype smiley The winking Skype animated emoticon
:^) wondering skype smiley The wondering Skype animated emoticon
:S worried skype smiley The worried Skype emoticon
(y) thumbs up skype smiley The thumbs up Skype animated emoticon


 Technorati 的標籤:skype,hidden,emoticons,smileys,隱藏版,表情符號

    創作者 dragonspring 的頭像


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