ASCII text | Smiley | Description |
(angel) | The angel Skype animated emoticon | |
:@ | The angry Skype animated emoticon | |
(hug) | The bear hug Skype animated emoticon | |
(beer) | The beer Skype animated emoticon | |
(blush) | The blushing Skype animated emoticon | |
(bow) | The bowing Skype animated emoticon | |
(punch) | The boxing Skype animated emoticon | |
(u) | The broken heart Skype animated emoticon | |
(^) | The cake Skype anmated emoticon | |
(call) | The "call me" Skype animated emoticon | |
(cash) | The cash Skype animated emoticon | |
(mp) | The cell phone Skype animated emoticon | |
(clap) | The clapping Skype animated emoticon | |
(coffee) | The coffee Skype animated emoticon | |
8-) | The cool Skype animated emoticon | |
;( | The crying Skype animated emoticon | |
(dance) | The dancing Skype animated emoticon | |
(devil) | The devil Skype animated emoticon | |
(doh) | The "doh" Skype animated emoticon | |
(d) | The cocktail Skype animated emoticon | |
|-( | The "dull" Skype animated emoticon | |
(emo) | The emo Skype animated emoticon | |
]:) | The evil grin Skype animated emoticon | |
(flex) | The flexing Skype animated emoticon | |
(F) | The flower Skype animated emoticon | |
(chuckle) | The giggling Skype animated emoticon | |
(handshake) | The handshake Skype animated emoticon | |
(happy) | The happy Skype animated emoticon | |
(h) | The heart Skype animated emoticon | |
(wave) | The "hi" Skype animated emoticon | |
(inlove) | The "in love" Skype animated emoticon | |
(wasntme) | The "it wasn't me" Skype animated emoticon | |
(envy) | The jealous Skype animated emoticon | |
:* | The kissing Skype animated emoticon | |
:D | The laughing Skype animated emoticon | |
(e) | The mail Skype animated emoticon | |
(makeup) | The makeup Skype animated emoticon | |
(mm) | The mmm Skype animated emoticon | |
(~) | The movie Skype animated emoticon | |
(music) | The music Skype animated emoticon | |
8-| | The nerd Skype animated emoticon | |
(ninja) | The ninjay Skype animated emoticon | |
(n) | The thumbs down Skype animated emoticon | |
(nod) | The nodding Skype animated emoticon | |
:x | The no speak Skype anmated emoticon | |
(party) | The party Skype animated emoticon | |
(pi) | The pizza Skype animated emoticon | |
(puke) | The sick Skype animated emoticon | |
(rain) | The rain cloud Skype animated emoticon | |
(rofl) | The ROFL Skype animated emoticon | |
:( | The sad Skype animated emoticon | |
(shake) | The "no" Skype animated emoticon | |
(skype) | The Skype logo emoticon | |
|-) | The sleepy Skype animated emoticon | |
:) | The smiling Skype animated emoticon | |
(smirk) | The smirking Skype animated emoticon | |
:-| | The speechless Skype animated emoticon | |
(*) | The star Skype emoticon | |
(sun) | The sun Skype emoticon | |
(sweat) | The sweating Skype animted emoticon | |
(talk) | The talking Skype animated emoticon | |
(think) | The thinking Skype animated emoticon | |
(o) | The clock Skype animated emoticon | |
(yawn) | The yawning Skype animated emoticon | |
:p | The tongue out Skype animated emoticon | |
(wait) | The "wait" Skype animated emoticon | |
(whew) | The "whew" Skype animated emoticon | |
;) | The winking Skype animated emoticon | |
:^) | The wondering Skype animated emoticon | |
:S | The worried Skype emoticon | |
(y) | The thumbs up Skype animated emoticon |